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Sunday, February 8, 2009

Grind My Gears

I dont get sports. sure they are a fun social event, but c'mmon, lets not get all crazy. I just dont get why Carolina fans and Duke fans cant just agree to enjoy a friendly game without trying to kill oneanother. Don't misunderstand, I'm all for the competitive spirit - the thrill of a win, but folks have this wackey tendancy to take it too far. And what is this nonsense about using first person plurals when refering to a sports teams they like.

"Hey Bill how are those Bears gonna do this season?"

"We're gonna do real good Oli, real good. Ya know, we havent done so hot since we lost Ditka, but I think we gots a real shot this year."

"How bout them Cubbies, eh Bill, what you thinkin 'bout them?"

"Ah, you know Oil, Sven and I were talkin about this just the other day, I dont think we stand a shot in flyin' heck at a world series bid, but I'll still be at every game, and those mother lovin Yankees can eat my snow boots, eh."


You are not on the team, you are old and fat (if you are the particular nondescript fat old sportsfan that I am picturing in my mind...) a win for the team does not constitute a win for you. The fact that you like the Bears no more makes you a member of that team than the fact that I like Star Wars makes me a Jedi. It is the height of ludicrousity.


Sometimes I have converstaions I am not interested in at all, but I can think of alot to say on the subject. Other times I have conversations that I am very interested in, but I cant figure out the words to say so I sound uninterested, it is a conundrum.


One thing that really bothers me is when I go to hang out with my friends and they are completely absorbed in their crackberries or MyFace or some other form of antisocial-social activity. I went to Hang out with you, to talk with you, to interact with you, a person, not a computer or robot or immaginary friend, Y-O-U! perhaps even more annoying is when my friends come to visit me and do that. It makes me feel like I'm somehow less important than your MyFace friends most recent picture of them plastered holding both of their hands (cheap beer and all) in the air, making a *WOOT* face, and almost falling over. And unless you show me otherwise that is what I'll assume your are looking at and laughing about... I'm not gonna lie though, if I ever get a smart phone, I'll probably be like that too, and I apologize in advance.


That brings me to my next one, Laughing at inside jokes when the person you have the joke with isn't even in town much less in the room is not cool, dont do it.


Stephanie Meyer, your books are horrible. I can't stop reading them, they are like crack. but heres the thing, stuff happens in your book... "big reveal" stuff, stuff that should be spurising, but it isn't. You already gave away the big surprise. SPOILER ALERT: in Eclipse, when Bella's room gets broken into, and then a bunch of shifty stuff starts to happen in Seattle, your readers already know the two are connected because you told us they were connected 2 chapters before, and then you try to make it all suprising when Bella makes the connection and tells Allice, but it isn't surprising, cause everyone already knew... that frustrates me. Also, grammatical errors in published novels are not ok. Basic subject verb agreement is something that should not be a problem in a "best selling book". In blogs however (or atleast mine) spelling and grammar errors are to be expected, and I expect people to keep count and leave a detailed talley as a comment on every post... GO!

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